
Olive Oil for Massage


Regular or light cooking oil like extra virgin olive oil, which many people use in their kitchens is also regarded as prestigious in massage therapy. This natural oil is an antioxidant vitamin enriched oil; which has been widely used to treat the skin and to restore body health. The soft and slippery nature also makes it suitable for massages; it promotes relaxation and at the same time helps with skin maintenance. 

 It is beyond a mere frill to anoint the skin with olive oil for massages for the therapeutic process which enhances the beneficial effects of the oil in terms of emollients and antioxidants. The application of olive oil in massage enables the skin to be moisturized deeply thus minimizing dry skin and giving it a soft silky texture. It has been used to treat symptoms such as muscle pain and joint pain which are common among athletes and people with arthritis among others. Moreover, the smell of olive oil is gentle and rather friendly which, combined with the effect of touch, helps to reduce stress and tension. 

Key Takeaways

  • Olive oil is lovely for a skin massage because it helps in moisturizing the skin well. 
  •  It is useful in untightening muscles and has inflammation reducing characteristics. 
  • To achieve the best results it is recommended that a high-quality olive oil be used; Extra virgin, cold pressed or organic olive oil.
  • As for any carrier oil it is always preferred to warm up the oil before application on the skin, and occasionally, the consumer must perform a skin patch test.
  •  Some people may prefer using essential oils when massaging; they can be added to olive oil with equal benefits. 

Benefits of Olive Oil for Massage

Skin Moisturization

Another advantage of olive oil is the aspects of the skin since it is known to get into the skin layers well. It contains antioxidants and other fats that make skin become tender and as fresh as that of a young man. Olive oil is best for massage as its slip marks will last for long without necessitating the use of the hand to spread it around.

Muscle Relaxation

Olive oil acting as a lubricant helps in massaging that assists in a reduction of contraction of the muscles. It has a very light feel on the skin and therefore does not pull on knots as other oils with a thicker feel do. This could be useful in ensuring that the experience gained in giving out the massage is as enjoyable as well as effective for inflammation, it must be noted that inflammation requires supplemental extra virgin olive oil because this liquid has anti-inflammatory ingredients that can ease inflammation and the discomfort associated with it.. This makes it good for people with muscle or joint pain as they use it during massage. This indicates that frequent use may help in the general improvement of muscle and joint health. 

Stress Reduction

Massage, in itself, is thought to have therapeutic objectives and incorporating it with olive oil specifically decreases stress mechanisms. Steering clear from any strong smelling oils is quite necessary; the scent of the oil ushers in a serene vision and coupled with the gentle touch of the olive oil; the whole experience is not only relaxing but soothing. 

Improved Circulation

Applying olive oil to the skin through massaging increases blood flow, hence increasing oxygenated blood supply to the tissue cells. Such elevations can prove helpful for the purpose of starting the healing process and or improving skin and muscle tone.

Enhanced Relaxation

Compared to nut butter and heavier oils, olive oil has a much sleeker feel, especially in its application on the skin, the gliding/ sliding factor etc which is excellent for relaxing the muscles. It is warm to the natural touch and enhances the natural relaxation process and helps get rid of tension in the body. 

Natural Healing

There are, therefore, antiseptic/bacterial elements in the olive oil which helps the skin to heal naturally. These compounds assist in pain relief, viral and bacterial suppression and acceleration of the skin’s healing process from minor injuries such as cuts and abrasions. 

Choosing the Right Olive Oil for Massage

Olive Oil for Massage
Olive Oil for Massage

It is therefore very important to make sure that an ideal type of olive oil which will enhance the feel and the outcomes of the massage is chosen during the process of choosing olive oil for the particular massage. Here are some key options to consider

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Yet this is lacking extra virgin olive oil, which people have deemed to be the most healthy kind of olive oil. Not having been highly treated, it barely loses its natural nutrients and antioxidant value. 

This makes it suitable for massage since it ensures that the skin will get the maximum benefits as well as the sensual feel. .

Cold-Pressed Olive Oil

Cold pressed olive oil does not undergo treatment with heat and this assures it retains much of its qualities. This specific oil is known to contain vitamins and minerals which is perfect for moisturizing the skin during the massage. Cold pressed olive oil is also described by its lack of slipperiness, and a good aroma. 

Organic Olive Oil

Olive oil that will be consumed is virgin olive oil of which the fruits used for production are grown organically, this means that they do not use synthetic chemical inputs including pesticides, and fertilizers. Organic is a deal that ensures people are using an item that does not come from chemicals thus very useful to those with skin complications. Organic olive oil is 100% natural and would make for a perfect therapeutic rub down without the danger of an allergic reaction. 

 One must, therefore, take the following factors into consideration when performing a massage using olive oil. It is important to use the finest quality of extra virgin olive oil since the dish’s identity and appealing flavors are largely contingent upon it. When using any dye always ensure that you first do a test patch on the skin to check for any reaction. It is also advisable to heat the oil a bit so that it feels warmer as you apply it to the skin for massaging. Massage delicately with straight or circular movements or twist with more attention for the problematic areas such as those regions which are sore or visibly dry.

How to Prepare Olive Oil for Massage

Olive oil for massage preparation is very easy and can also add variety to your experience. Here is how to go about it for the best results. 

Warming the Oil

It is advised you warm the olive oil slightly to make it warm before using it to massage the body. This makes the oil more friendly on the skin and in the process it is easily and well absorbed in the skin. To warm the oil, you can put the bottle that contains the oil in a basin of hot water for some time.

Mixing with Essential Oils

If you want to increase the advantages of the massage, combine the olive oil with essential oils. For additional ease or anti pain, one could add essentials such as lavender or rosemary. Always dilute the essential oil with olive oil – mix 2-3 drops of the oil with one tablespoon of the olive oil. 

Patch Testing

It is recommended before using the olive oil for the massage, one should do a patch test. Put a little of the oil mixture on your skin on a small area to first check if you are allergic to it. This process will help avoid situations when a couple of people are decreasing in the dominant population group and increasing in weaker populations. 

 When massaging, keep strokes light and circular and do this on areas that seem tight and rough. 

Techniques for Massaging with Olive Oil

Circular Motions

Regarding the proper way of massaging an infant with olive oil, it is vital to use circular movements of the hands. This is useful for making the oil penetrate well into the skin and relieves the person. Thus, the emphasis should be made on the regions that contain tension or are dry to bring the most advantages. 

Focusing on Tension Areas

During the massage, be more focused with the part of your body that is aching or has any stiffness. Rubbing warm oil on these areas could also help reduce the tension in the muscles thereby offering a relief to the affected part of the body. Do not rush the process, sit back and let the oil do its job. 

Post-Massage Care

After the massage, you have two options: Some products can be washed off with warm water after application while others should be applied at night and left on the skin as a moisturizer. If you choose to rinse, you must pat your skin dry with a towel, softly. This is helpful in the maintenance of the skin’s inherent hygroscopic properties. 

 It may be necessary to warn here that one must always use only the best quality olive oil for the massage, and that before starting the process, a patch test must be conducted. 

Olive Oil for Head Massage

Olive Oil for Massage
Olive Oil for Massage

Scalp Benefits

Head massage using olive oil is recommended as olive oil is good for your hair. Its moisturizing ability aids in the formation of a layer on hair shafts which can in one way or the other feed the hair strands. This may help avert such an outcome since there will be little or no contact with the hair; this makes the hair more resistant to breakages. At the same time, it can be effective to combat dandruff and other scalp problems with deep nourishment of olive oil. 

Hair Nourishment

During a head massage with the use of olive oil, the hair gets the required nutrients from the olive oil and certainly feeds the hair roots, thus promoting hair growth. Exploration of the ingredients and composition of the oil makes the hair become more resistant to forming split end hair. It is for this reason that if one uses it frequently, he or she is likely to have shinier, softer, and manageable hair. 


Apart from being a good treatment for your hair and the scalp, a head massage with olive oil is also enjoyable. The strokes utilized in the massage such as circular and sweeping can ease out stress and tension. It can be quite helpful for those who regularly get headaches or for those with a stressful schedule. 

 Olive oil head massages are one of the simplest and most effective hair and health boosting activities that you can do. 

DIY Olive Oil Massage Recipes

For Sore Muscles

To help with muscle relief, it is possible to prepare a rather straightforward but efficient mixture of massage oil. Combine the following ingredients:

  • 4-5 drops of Sweet Almond Oil
  • 2-3 drops of Rosemary Oil
  • Olive Oil

This blend is useful in relaxing muscles and the body in general. 

For Relaxation

For a calming and soothing massage experience, try this recipe:To get still a more relaxing massage, use this recipe:

  • 3-4 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • 2-3 drops of Chamomile Essential Oil
  • Olive Oil

It is a great blend especially after a busy day and may be of some help in managing stress. 

For Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, this recipe will help keep your skin hydrated and soft:Here’s diet that would be useful for those with dry skin:

  • 3-4 drops of Jojoba Oil
  • 2-3 drops of Vitamin E Oil
  • Olive Oil

Together, this is a great pair for skin as it helps in moisturizing and making the skin feel soft. 

 Olive oil tends to leave the skin moist and penetrate it deeply to help in making it smooth and healthy. Introducing olive oil into your skin care regimen can also help in making the skin’s elasticity and make it free from dryness. 

Precautions When Using Olive Oil for Massage

It is very important that the following are considered whenever one is using olive oil for a massage to avoid unfavorable outcomes. 

Allergic Reactions

It is recommended that one should always do a skin prick test in order to establish whether one is allergic to items used while doing the mehndi work before actually applying the mehndi. This step is very relevant in cases where you have just commenced using a shampoo that you have never used before, and you are one of those people with skin problems like rashes, or you have in the past had a reaction when some products were used on your hair.

Skin Sensitivity

Thus, Olive oil is generally safe for most populations, while some individuals can develop skin rash. This is meticulous and displays courtesy to clients who may develop a burning sensation, redness, itching or skin irritation if exposed to areas where creams were applied on.

Proper Storage

You should also store the olive oil in a cool dark environment to enhance the quality of the olive oil stocked.The product is affected by heat and light and using it with another oil reduces its efficacy and could cause skin sensitisation. 

 What is important to realize, there are no contraindications to the application of olive vegetable oil. As no sensitization was identified, the compound may be employed in pregnant and/or breastfeeding women.

Olive Oil vs Other Massage Oils

In many cases, olive oil takes the trophy among all the kinds of products used for massaging due to its nutrition and delicate structure. But, how is it with other famous types of massage oil such as coconut, almond and the jojoba oil? You know what? Let’s dig a little deeper. 

 Comparison with Coconut Oil 

Another thing that is preferred in a massage is coconut oil. This is popularly used because it has antibiotics ability and it comes with a fruity fragrance. Regarding the use of oil, olive oil also moisturizes the skin beauty while taking coconut oil is favorable for sensitive skin as it has a calming effect.

 Comparison with Almond Oil 

 Specifically, almond oil has been noted for its relatively thin consistency and its ability to penetrate the skin’s exterior in rather a short time. Olive oil feels somewhat dense, almond oil however, gives it a silky feel and does not leave a layer of oil on the skin. This makes it a good choice for those people who would wish to use a lighter oil as compared to the normal SE. 

 Comparison with Jojoba Oil 

 It is peculiar that jojoba oil is as close as one can get to the actual skin’s natural oils. Due to this, the cream is suitable for those individuals who have oily and acne-prone skin types. While olive oil is magic for hydration, jojoba oil works well in regulating the oil on your skin. 

Both oils have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is imperative to know which one will be the most effective for the skin type and massage. 

Historical Use of Olive Oil in Massage

Ancient Civilizations

Humble olive oil has been used in kitchens around the world for ages and as a massage oil to calm the skin. The people of ancient Greece and Romans to an extent used the olive oil in massaging, they believed that it helped the skin become soft, eased muscles pain and even assisted in healing. This became one of the areas of olive oil research usage by the ancient Greek civilization. They discovered that the incorporation of massage, with olive oil application, assisted to ease muscle stiffness, boost body wellness.

Cultural Practices

This practice of massage with olive oil progressed from one culture to the other as well as from one region to the other. Thus, it transformed into the usual approach to massage treatment in many countries across the world. Besides the wholesome benefits of olive oil, it also served as an ingredient in the cultural facets of everyday life. Some of the cultures that identified it for use in religious practices include; it was also used to symbolize purity and health. 

 Modern Adoption 

 To date, olive oil continues to be sent for massage because of its moisturizing effects and ease on the skin texture. It provides clients with a royal feel and pampering especially for those in need of pampering for the skin. Olive oil is used by most contemporary massage practitioners since the therapists love to embrace the concept associated with the product as well as the benefits that accompany the item. 

 Olive oil’s use in the current day in spas to its creation in ancient civilizations, shows how it is still relevant for use in massages. 

Olive Oil for Baby Massage

The gentle touch and massage of baby with olive oil is considered to be very appropriate. It is also a good source of vitamins E, an important vitamin for human body repair of skin tissue. There are other uses of olive oil for instance message to calm the baby as well as boost circulation of Blood. It also eradicates virmen and is virtually immunogenic hence safe for your baby’s sensitive skin. 

 It is also important that you only use virgin olive oil when carrying out a baby massage. This type is created without chemicals and is packed with Nutrients. Here are some tips for safe use:Here are some tips for safe use: 

  • Lubricate your body with this oil before engaging in intercourse; it’s better if the oil is warm. 
  •  To apply the oil, rub it on the skin using circular motions but it must be done gently. 
  •  But do not use the oil to the extent that the feeling of greasiness is gotten in the foods that you consume.

To get the most out of your baby massage, follow these recommended practices:Here are some of the recommended practices for the accomplishment of a perfect baby massage:

  1. Some of the factors that have to be taken into account consist of; Make sure that the room is warm and cozy.
  2.  Begin with the least amount of oil; you can always add more oil to the dish. 
  3.  Make sure you observe your baby’s response and stop if it seems uncomfortable with what you are doing to it. 
  4.  As soon as you are through with the massage, wash off the remaining oil with a piece of clean material. 

To sum up, it is recommended to massage your baby as a mean of getting close to it and making it calm. Olive oil is organic and is good for the skin and health of the child without any side effects related to its use.

Common Myths About Olive Oil for Massage

Myth: Olive Oil Clogs Pores

The popular opinion is that olive oil causes the pores to become blocked and one experiences skin breakouts. While using olive for cooking or other general purposes may cause acne, olive oil for the skin is quite the opposite as it is non comedogenic causing the pores to be unblocked. It is packed with vitamins D, E, and K that are all friendly to the skin. 

 Myth: The given product name Olive Oil is Too Greasy. 

 Some people want to know why we use olive oil and believe it cannot be used for massage because it is greasy. It is an oil that when applied in the right quantity it does not get stuck on the skin hence after applying does not make the skin oily at all, has a good calculation of sealing moisture in the skin. 

 Myth: Therefore olive oil therapy has no beneficial effect in the management of NAFLD. 

 The second myth is the one stating that olive oil can not be used for massages properly. Indeed, oil for skin care has been in use for centuries and olive oil is particularly famous due to its smoothing effects. It assists in knots and makes muscles more favorable, also keeps skin supple and assists in healing. 


 Therefore, it can be concluded that olive oil is the best for massages because its texture is not too thick and it easily moisturizes the skin. Since the times of ancient civilizations up to the present days it is appreciated for its ability to relax muscles, to nourish the skin and for giving a pleasant massaging effect. When applying olive oil for massaging, it is advised that the improved quality of the oil, therefore choose the extra virgin olive oil, perform skin patch test, and warm the oil slightly. Sure enough, olive oil has many uses and some of the uses are; heating the olive oil and rubbing on the affected muscles to ease the pain. Therefore, every time you go for a massage, the most selected option is to enhance it by utilizing olive oil.


Is olive oil good for massage?

Of course, olive oil is suitable for massaging. It remains useful in making your skin become soft and it also assists in making your muscles relax. 

What type of olive oil should I use for massage?

They noted that extra virgin olive oil is the best since it is pure and has so many advantages; thus, it is most suitable to use during massage. 

Can I mix olive oil with other oils for massage?

, of course, adding some other useful oils to olive oil, for instance, lavender or rosemary ones is a good idea.

Should I warm olive oil before using it for massage?

Yes, even if the oil is a little warm the case is the same and this also makes the massage a bit less painful and the oil penetrates into the skin better.

How do I know if I’m allergic to olive oil?

This ‘patch test’ is good olive oil, which you apply and leave on the skin for 24 hours to see if some reaction will be observed.

Is olive oil too greasy for massage?

Of course not, just like we do not overuse the normal cooking oil, we do not have to over use olive oil. It absorbs slowly, thus cannot be used for massage like the olive oil with similar characteristics.

Can I use olive oil for a head massage?

Of course, olive oil is suitable for head massages. Humidification can also help the scalp be fed, making hair become tender. 

How should I store olive oil for massage?

To enjoy olive oil for as long as possible and reap its benefits one should store it in a cool, dark area. 

Meta Description

Explore the ways to use olive oil for massage, for the health of skin and muscles and ways to locate the best possessing olive oil regarding massage. 


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